Research thematic areas
Evaluation of system specific better-fit extension approaches and methodologies for brackishwater aquaculture sustainability, livelihood development models, gender mainstreaming and societal development.
Techno-economic assessment of brackishwater aquaculture systems, technologies, entrepreneurship development and policy research.
Assessment of production, market, trade and development and updation of brackishwater aquaculture database (Aquastat) as repository of information for the sector.
Updation of brackishwater aquaculture database and on-line Aquastat through collection and collation of major data components on various aspects of brackishwater aquaculture viz., Global, Indian and state scenario of brackishwater aquaculture, production and trade statistics etc.
- Societal Development Programmes through brackishwater aquaculture.
- Application Information Communication Technology for brackishwater aquaculture development - CIBA Krishi Shrimp app with CIBA Shrimp app photos.

Development and validation Information Communication Technology (ICT) applications for capacity enhancement and extension advisory services for brackishwater aquaculture.

Technology transfer through extension education, training, front-line demonstrations, engaging mass media, and linkage with development departments.
Human Resource Development, stakeholders’ facilitation, and networking.
Research projects – in operation
No | Title | Funded By | Period |
1 | Communication and socio-economic validation of brackishwater aquaculture technologies for sustainable development (PI: Dr. C.V. Sairam) | ICAR-CIBA | 2021-2024 |
2 | Promotion of Integrated Multi-trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) Technology for income generation and optimum use of bio-resources (PI: Dr. D. Deboral Vimala) | DBT | 2022-2024 |
3 | Establishment of DBT Rural Bioresources Complex at Ramanathapuram District, Tamil Nadu (PI: Dr. P. Mahalakshmi) | DBT | 2022-2024 |
4 | Production systems, Agribusiness and Institutions - Impact of Agricultural technology (Brackishwater Aquaculture) (PI: Dr. R. Geetha) | ICAR | 2022-2026 |
Research projects – completed recently
No | Title | Funded By | Period |
1 | Cage Aquaculture in Brackishwaters of Puducherry and Karikal Regions of Puducherry Union Territory - A feasibility study | Department of Fisheries, Govt. of Puducherry | 2018-2020 |
2 | Sustainable Livelihood Models for resource-poor Fish farmers /Fisherfolk in Nagapattinam district of Tamil Nadu for doubling their income” funded by CPCL CSR, Chennai. | CPCL CSR, Manali, Chennai | 2018-2020 |
3 | Sustainable livelihood models for resource poor fish farmers/fisherfolk in Nagapattinam district of Tamil Nadu for doubling their income. | CPCL CSR, Manali, Chennai | 2019-2021 |
4 | Research on socio-economic, front-line extension and information technology for sustainable brackishwater aquaculture sector | ICAR-CIBA | 2018-2021 |