1. supply Order for procurement of Control Panel Including VFD for Aerator/ Blower operation, Date: 21.03.2025
  2. supply Order for chemical/Glassware/labware, Date: 21.03.2025
  3. supply Order for chemical/Glassware/labware, Date: 21.03.2025
  4. supply Order for chemical/Glassware/labware, Date: 21.03.2025
  5. supply Order for chemical/Glassware/labware, Date: 21.03.2025
  6. Purchase of Chemical/Labware/Glassware, Date: 21.03.2025
  7. Purchase of Chemical/Labware/Glassware, Date: 21.03.2025
  8. Purchase of Chemical/Labware/Glassware, Date: 21.03.2025
  9. Supply Order purchase of Customized Biological Filter with skimmer and UV disinfection system, Date: 20.03.2025
  10. Supply Order for Purchase of Assay Kits, Date: 20.03.2025
  11. Supply Order for the Purchase of Assay KITS, Date: 19.03.2025
  12. Supply Order for the Transcriptome Sequencing On Illumina Platform for fish sample, Date: 19.03.2025
  13. Purchase of Chemicals/ Labware/ Plasticware/ Glassware, Date: 18.03.2025
  14. Supply order for 750 micron pond liners at NGRC of CIBA, Date: 18.03.2025
  15. Office order for the purchase of aeration starter Panel, Date: 18.03.2025
  16. Supply order for raw sea water ozone treatment facility system and intake filtration system at MES of CIBA, Date: 17.03.2025
  17. Supply order for the purchase of Interactive Display & Accessories, Date: 17.03.2025
  18. Supply order for the purchase of Refrigerator, Date: 17.03.2025
  19. Purchase of Chemicals/ Labware/ Plasticware/ Glassware, Date: 18.03.2025
  20. Supply Order for the Purchase of REMI Refrigerated Centrifuge with LCD display, Date: 13.03.2025
  21. Purchase of Chemical/Glassware/Plasticware/Labware at ICAR-CIBA Hqrs, Date: 14.03.2025
  22. Supply order for purchase of scoop nets
  23. Purchase of chemicals, Date: 14.03.2025
  24. Purchase of chemicals, Date: 14.03.2025
  25. Purchase of chemicals, Date: 14.03.2025
  26. Purchase of chemicals, Date: 14.03.2025
  27. Purchase of chemicals, Date: 14.03.2025
  28. Purchase of chemicals, Date: 14.03.2025
  29. Office Order for the bottom Repair of 8 Ton RCC Tank, Date: 13.03.2025
  30. Purchase of chemicals, Date: 13.03.2025
  31. Purchase of chemicals, Date: 11.03.2025
  32. Purchase of chemicals, Date: 13.03.2025
  33. Work order for hiring diesel generator for the super intensive shrimp farming at MES, Date: 13.03.2025
  34. Purchase of chemicals, Date: 13.03.2025
  35. Supply order for Stereo  Zoom Microscope at MES of CIBA, Date: 11.03.2025
  36. Purchase of books for Library at CIBA HQRS, Date: 11.03.2025
  37. Supply order for procurement of Electroporator system, Date: 11.03.2025
  38. Supply order for procurement of three tubewell  submersible pump, Date: 11.03.2025
  39. Supply order for procurement of Nanobble system, Date: 11.03.2025
  40. Supply order for chemicals for research work, Date: 11.03.2025
  41. Supply order for chemicals for research work, Date: 27.02.2025
  42. Supply order for chemicals for research work, Date: 11.03.2025
  43. Supply order for chemicals for research work, Date: 11.03.2025
  44. Purchase of Chemical/Glassware/plasticware/Labware, Date: 10.3.2025
  45. Purchase of Chemical/Glassware/plasticware/Labware, Date: 10.3.2025
  46. Purchase of Chemical/Glassware/plasticware/Labware, Date: 10.3.2025
  47. Purchase of Chemical/Glassware/plasticware/Labware, Date: 10.3.2025
  48. Purchase of Chemical/Glassware/plasticware/Labware, Date: 10.3.2025
  49. Purchase of Chemical/Glassware/plasticware/Labware, Date: 10.3.2025
  50. Purchase of KEL Plus nitrogen/protein analyzers for combusion, Date: 7.3.2025
  51. Purchase of mixure of gases, Date: 7.3.2025
  52. Purchase of HCG hormone at MES, Date: 7.3.2025
  53. Purchase of solar based water pump system at MES, Date: 7.3.2025
  54. Purchase of Chemical/Glassware/plasticware/Labware, Date: 7.3.2025
  55. Purchase of Chemical/Glassware/plasticware/Labware, Date: 7.3.2025
  56. Purchase of Chemical/Glassware/plasticware/Labware, Date: 7.3.2025
  57. Purchase of Chemical/Glassware/plasticware/Labware, Date: 7.3.2025
  58. Purchase of Chemical/Glassware/plasticware/Labware, Date: 7.3.2025
  59. Purchase of two 10 HP electric pump at NGRC, Date:7.3.2025
  60. Purchase of weighing balance at CIBA HQRS, Date: 7.3.2025
  61. Work order for repair and servicing of 50 HP motor for micro pulverizer at KRC, Date: 6.3.2025
  62. Work order for repair and servicing of Boiler in feed mill at KRC, Date: 6.3.2025
  63. Work order for repair of various size FRP tanks 24 Nos. at MES, Date: 6.3.2025
  64. Purchase of Chemical/Glassware/plasticware/Labware, Date: 6.3.2025
  65. Purchase of Chemical/Glassware/plasticware/Labware, Date: 6.3.2025
  66. Purchase of Chemical/Glassware/plasticware/Labware, Date: 6.3.2025
  67. Purchase of Chemical/Glassware/plasticware/Labware, Date: 6.3.2025
  68. Purchase of Chemical/Glassware/plasticware/Labware, Date: 6.3.2025
  69. Purchase of Chemical/Glassware/plasticware/Labware, Date: 6.3.2025
  70. Purchase of Chemical/Glassware/plasticware/Labware, Date: 6.3.2025
  71. Purchase of Chemical/Glassware/plasticware/Labware, Date: 5.3.2025
  72. Purchase of Chemical/Glassware/plasticware/Labware, Date: 5.3.2025
  73. Supply and installation of CCTV systems at MES, Date:5.3.2025
  74. Purchase of Recirculatory Aquaculture Systems (RAS) at MES, Date: 5.3.2025
  75. Purchase of feed ingredients at KRC, Date:5.3.2025
  76. GeM order​​​​​ for Horizontal/vertical deep freezer, Date: 28.2.2025
  77. Purchase of 1500 kg Goat feed at NGRC, Date: 4.3.2025 
  78. Work order for soil filling and levelling work at Balasore, Date: 4.3.2025
  79. Purchase of Feed Ingredients at MES, Date: 4.3.2025
  80. Purchase of Ultra Low Temperature freezer at MES, Date: 3.3.2025
  81. Purchase of Ultra Low Temperature freezer at MES, Date: 3.3.2025
  82. Purchase of Chemical/Glassware/plasticware/Labware, Date: 3.3.2025
  83. Purchase of Chemical/Glassware/plasticware/Labware, Date: 3.3.2025
  84. Purchase of Chemical/Glassware/plasticware/Labware, Date: 3.3.2025
  85. Purchase of Chemical/Glassware/plasticware/Labware, Date: 3.3.2025
  86. Purchase of Chemical/Glassware/plasticware/Labware, Date: 28.2.2025
  87. Purchase of Chemical/Glassware/plasticware/Labware, Date: 28.2.2025
  88. Purchase of customized display unit at MES, Date: 28.2.2025
  89. Purchase of PVC pipes for NGRC, Date: 28.2.2025
  90. Purchase of smart control system, Date: 27.2.2025
  91. Purchase of Chemical/Glassware/plasticware/Labware, Date: 27.2.2025
  92. Purchase of Chemical/Glassware/plasticware/Labware, Date: 27.2.2025
  93. Purchase of Chemical for the research work towards microbial identification (NSPAAD), Date: 27.2.2025
  94. Purchase of Chemical/Glassware/plasticware/Labware, Date: 27.2.2025
  95. Purchase of Chemical/Glassware/plasticware/Labware, Date: 27.2.2025
  96. Purchase of Chemical/Glassware/plasticware/Labware, Date: 27.2.2025
  97. Purchase of Chemical/Glassware/plasticware/Labware, Date: 27.2.2025
  98. Purchase of UV equipment to carryout broodstock dev. in RAS, at MES, Date: 27.2.2025
  99. Purchase of Chemical/Glassware/plasticware/Labware, Date: 27.2.2025
  100. Purchase of Chemical/Glassware/plasticware/Labware, Date: 27.2.2025
  101. Purchase of semi micro balance at CIBA HQRS, Date: 27.2.2025
  102. Purchase of Asian Seabass fingerlings at Kolathur, Date: 27.2.2025
  103. Purchase of Laptops, Date: 26.2.2025
  104. Purchase of Chemical/Glassware/plasticware/Labware, Date: 26.2.2025
  105. Purchase of Chemical/Glassware/plasticware/Labware, Date: 26.2.2025
  106. Purchase of FRP tanks at CIBA HQRS , Date: 26.2.2025
  107. Purchase of Semi micro analytical balance at MES , Date: 26.2.2025
  108. Purchase of FRP Tanks and aeration systems at MES, Date: 26.2.2025
  109. Purchase of Seabass fingerlings for cage culture, Date 26.2.2025
  110. Procurement of 16 nos Battery with buy back of 5 KVA Online UPS at KRC Date: 24.02.2025
  111. Purchase of Chemical Date: 20.02.2025
  112. Purchase of Chemical Date: 20.02.2025
  113. Purchase of Chemical Date: 19.02.2025
  114. Supply order for iGene Labserve 2 to 4 litre Chamber Capacity Water Baths Date: 18.02.2025
  115. Supply order GeM Contract for Swamy publishers Date: 14.02.2025
  116. GeM Contract for LG Total Volume for Direct Cool 40-49 Total Volume for Frost-free Date: 14.02.2025
  117. Purchase of Chemical Date: 13.02.2025
  118. Purchase of Chemical Date: 13.02.2025
  119. Purchase of Chemical Date: 13.02.2025
  120. Purchase of Chemical Date: 13.02.2025
  121. Purchase of Chemical Date: 12.02.2025
  122. Purchase of Plastic Storage Cabinet at MES Date: 13.02.2025
  123. Purchase of Chemical Date: 13.02.2025
  124. Supply order for dismantling pond outlet and sluice gate and filling soil at NGRC
  125. Purchase of Tissue Lyser Date: 12.02.2025
  126. Purchase of Larvae and Nursery rearing tanks with accessories at MES
  127. Purchase of Chemical Date: 12.02.2025
  128. Purchase of Jet Aerator Date: 12.02.2025
  129. Supply order for Finolex Socket pipe Date: 12.02.2025
  130. Purchase of Leica microtome “Clamping lever long” Date: 06.02.2025
  131. Purchase of Chemical Date: 03.02.2025
  132. Purchase of Seabass Fingerlings Date: 05.02.2025
  133. Purchase of Chemical Date: 06.02.2025
  134. Purchase of Chemical Date: 06.02.2025
  135. Purchase of Chemical Date: 06.02.2025
  136. Purchase of Chemical Date: 06.02.2025
  137. Revised Supply order​​​​​ for Procurement of Underwater Camera with Accessories Date: 04.02.2025
  138. Purchase of small feeding boat Date: 04.02.2025
  139. Purchase of 18 Nos of 300 Ltr FRP Tank Date: 04.02.2025
  140. Purchase of Two 50000L Capacity HDPE tarpaulin sheets with accessories
  141. Purchase of Chemical Date: 03.02.2025
  142. Purchase of Chemical Date: 03.02.2025
  143. Work order for oil service & replacement of spares for Generators at MES
  144. Supply conveyance order​​​​​ for Avail Sequencing Service 
  145. Work conveyance order​​​​​ for Replacement of battery for the Laptop
  146. GeM Contract for Microscope with Fluorescence, Date 29.1.2025
  147. GeM Contract​​​ for WESWOX OPTIK Digital LED Tissue embedding station, Date 31.1.2025
  148. Supply order​​​ for Purchase of Hydrogen Sulphide Measuring meter, Date 31.1.2025
  149. GeM order​​​ for KRISHTHA Revolving Chair with Knee tilt Synchronic mechanism, Date 31.1.2025
  150. GeM order​​​ for Unbranded 1800 mm 900 mm 730 mm, Date 31.1.2025
  151. Purchase of Chemicals, Date 29.1.2025
  152. Purchase of Chemicals, Date 30.1.2025
  153. Purchase of Chemicals, Date 30.1.2025
  154. Purchase of Chemicals, Date 30.1.2025
  155. Purchase of Binocular microscope, Date 30.1.2025
  156. Purchase of Procurement of Underwater Camera with Accessories at MES, Date 30.1.2025
  157. Purchase of Procurement of Oxygen Cylinder with Accessories at MES, Date 30.1.2025
  158. Purchase of Chemicals, Date 30.1.2025
  159. Purchase of Chemicals, Date 30.1.2025
  160. Purchase of Chemicals, Date 30.1.2025
  161. Purchase of 3D printer, Date 30.01.2025
  162. Purchase of Voltas Deep Freezer, date 29.1.2025
  163. Purchase of Chemicals, date 29.1.2025
  164. Purchase of Chemicals, date 29.1.2025
  165. Purchase of Chemicals, date 29.1.2025 
  166. Purchase of Chemicals, date 29.1.2025 
  167. Purchase of Chemicals, date 29.1.2025 
  168. Supply order for Sigmaplot 14.5 software
  169. Supply order and installation of OmicsBox software.
  170. Supply order for the procurement of Salt Chlorinator system.
  171. Supply order for the procurement of UV Filter.