Research thematic areas
Surveillance for aquatic animal diseases with special reference to brackishwater aquaculture.
Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei in shrimp
Tilapia lake virus in fish Argulus quadristriatus in seabass
Research on various aspects of prophylactics and therapeutics of brackishwater aquatic animal diseases.
RT-PCR based diagnostic kits for EHP in shrimp

Improved WSSV – RT- PCR diagnostic kit

CIBAMOX – a microbial product to reduce ammonia and nitrite problems

CIBA-PARACIDE for treatment of parasitic infestations in food and ornamental fishes

CIBA-LUMIPHAGE, a novel therapeutics for bacterial diseases in shrimp larvae.

CIBA indigenous vaccine NodavacR for viral nervous necrosis (VNN) in fish

Capacity enhancement of stakeholders

Research projects – in operation
No | Title | Funded By | Period |
1 | Investigation of existing/ emerging diseases in candidate brackishwater species and development of preventive/ treatment strategies for effective management (PI: Dr. K.P. Jithendran) | ICAR-CIBA | 2021-2024 |
2 | Network Project on Anti-microbial resistance (PI: Dr. S.K. Otta) | FAO and ICAR | 2021-2024 |
3 | All India Network Project on fish health (Dr. K.P. Jithendran, National Co-ordinator Dr. P.K. Patil – Project Co-ordinator & PI) | ICAR-Consortium of Network programme | 2021-2024 |
4 | Novel approaches for disease-free health certification in finfish and development of high health shrimp for sustainable aquaculture (PI: Dr. S.K. Otta) | NASF-ICAR | 2022- 2025 |
5 | Monitoring impacts of physico-chemical characteristics on system generated syndromes of shrimp in a pond environment | The Science and Innovation Network, Govt. of United Kingdom | March 2022 to September 2022 |
6 | National Surveillance Programme for Aquatic Animal Diseases in Tamil Nadu (PI: Dr. P. Ezhil Praveena) | Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Govt. of India (PMMSY). | March 2022 to April 2025 |
7 | National Referral Laboratory for Brackishwater Fish Diseases (PI: Dr. P. Ezhil Praveena) | Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Govt. of India (PMMSY). | March 2022 to April 2025 |
8 | Net work project on vaccines & diagnostics (PI: Dr. M. Makesh) | ICAR |
Research projects – completed recently
No | Title | Funded By | Period |
1 | Prevention and management strategies for viral, microbial diseases of candidate species in brackishwater aquaculture. | ICAR-CIBA | 2018-2021 |
2 | Development of diagnostics and vaccines for sustainable aquaculture. | ICAR-Consortium of Network programme | 2015-2020 |
3 | National Surveillance Programme for Aquatic Animal Diseases – Surveillance of brackishwater finfish and shell fish diseases in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh | NFDB-Ministry of Fisheries, Govt. of India | 2021-2022 |
4 | National Surveillance Programme for Aquatic Animal Diseases – National Referral Laboratory for brackishwater finfish and shellfish | NFDB-Ministry of Fisheries, Govt. of India | 2021-2022 |
Serve as a National Referral Laboratory for brackishwater aquaculture diseases and extend technical and policy support to the Government on matters pertaining to aquatic animal health and environment management to improve aquaculture productivity.
Human Resource Development, analytical, testing and consultancy services
Patents granted / applied
- Jithendran, K.P. and Binesh, C.P. (2019). Development of an assay and kit for molecular screening of Betanodavirus by nested reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (nested RT-PCR). Patent Number: 315677 on 09/07/2019.
Scientist Team
Research thematic areas
1. Inventory on characteristics of brackishwater resources in the country.
Distribution of soil and water health cards to aquaculture farmers.

2. Developing techniques for enhancing water and soil quality for increasing aquaculture productivity
CIBA OXYplus – Enhancement of dissolved oxygen in aquaculture ponds.

Bioremediation techniques – Soil probiotics for improving pond bottom condition
3. Developing sampling techniques and portable water analytical kitsCore soil sampler for collection of depth-wise samples from culture ponds

Portable water quality kits – Onsite measurement of dissolved oxygen, pH, ammonia, nitrite, calcium, magnesium, total hardness carbonate, bicarbonate total alkalinity.

4. Sustainable aquaculture planning through environmental impact assessment, monitoring programmes, and carrying capacity estimation
CarryCap online web tool- Estimation of carrying capacity of a source water body

5. Climate change impacts on aquaculture production systems and contribution of aquaculture to the global warming potential
Floating chamber for collection of greenhouse gases from aquaculture ponds

Vulnerability and risk assessment of brackishwater aquaculture to climate change

6. Analytical/testing/consultancy services offered/ time taken for each service/cost.
- Suitability of sites for brackishwater aquaculture - Depends on the extent to be covered
- Soil and water analysis
- Environmental impact assessment and monitoring of aquaculture farms - Depends on the extent to be covered
- Carrying capacity estimation based aquaculture planning - Depends on the extent to be covered
- Multiparameter and individual water parameter analysis kits
Cost of Multiparameter kit:
Rs 6000 - Direct sale
Rs 6500 – Through courier
Cost of individual kits:
pH Rs. 400
Carbonate, Bicarbonate , Total alkalinity Rs. 1200
Dissolved oxygen Rs. 1600
Ammonia Rs. 1200
Nitrite Rs. 600
Calcium, Magnesium, Total Hardness Rs. 1000
*Through Courier Rs 100 extra for each kit
Research projects – in operation
No | Title | Funded By | Period |
1 | Development of technologies for amelioration of pond soil and water quality in brackishwater aquaculture (PI: Dr. M. Muralidhar) | ICAR-CIBA | 2021-2024 |
2 | Precision brackishwater aquaculture using Machine Intelligence (PI: Dr. M. Muralidhar) | DBT | 2021-2024 |
3 | NICRA- Impact of climate change on aquaculture and mitigation option for minimizing greenhouse gases from aquaculture sector (PI: Dr. M. Muralidhar) | ICAR | 2021-2026 |
Research projects – completed recently
No | Title | Funded By | Period |
1 | NICRA–Impact of climate change on aquaculture and mitigation options for minimizing greenhouse gases from aquaculture sector | Indian Council of Agricultural Research | 2011-2021 |
2 | Impact assessment of aquaculture on agriculture, coconut gardens, and drinking water in East Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh with special reference to salinization. | Department of Fisheries, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh | 2019-2020 |
3 | Abiotic stress management for enhanced productivity and environmentally sustainable shrimp farming. | ICAR-CIBA | 2018-2021 |
- Soil and water chemistry laboratory
- Analysis of basic physico-chemical properties of soil Physico-chemical characterization of water
- UV spectrophotometer for measurement of nutrients and metabolites
- Flame photometer for measurement of sodium and potassium
- Microwave digester – For digestion of sediment, water and animal samples
- Aqua-Climate laboratory
- The laboratory is equipped with sophisticated instruments like Kjeltech digestion and distillation System, CHNS analyser, Green House Gases Analyser, TOC analyser, Ion Chromatography and Cyclic Voltammetry.