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There have been a number of requests from aquafarmers in Kerala regarding the production of quality seeds and farming of Pearlspot (Karimeen), using species specific formulated feeds. Farmers were also interested to know about the growth rate among the farmed pearlspot and ways to enhance the growth, which is only in the range of 180-200gms/yr. Considering the lockdown situation, ICAR-CIBA conducted a webinar on the thematic area of “Pearlspot seed production and Aquaculture- Present status and future prospects with respect to Kerala” on Friday, 7th Aug. 2020, with a focus on the farmers on the west coast.

In the opening remarks Dr K.K. Vijayan, Director, CIBA put forth the vision for pearlspot aquaculture, integrating CIBA’s scientific advancement and technologies developed in the area of hatchery seed production, formulated feeds and farming. He highlighted the developments such as modular system of seed production, functional feeds for specific life stages and fish health to resolve the key issues faced by pearlspot farmers today. Further underlined that the next significant milestone to be achieved for pearlspot aquaculture was possible only through a focussed selective breeding program for faster growing stocks. Dr. Kailasam, Principal scientist and HOD i/c, Finfish Culture Division presented the key challenges of pearlspot farmers and CIBA’s experiences with pearlspot farming and seed production, followed presentations by a team of scientists working on various facets of pearlspot aquaculture.  Dr Krishna Sukumaran presented the latest advances in pearlspot breeding with respect to Modular System of Pearlspot Seed production developed by CIBA; the life stage specific functional feeds developed for pearlspot broodstock- EtroBroodPlus, larvae- EtroLarviPlus ,and Etroplus growout feeds, catering to the nutrient requirement of the species by Dr Kumararguru Vasagam and Dr. Sandeep. The latest developments in the pearlspot farming sector of Kerala and CIBA’s successful initiatives by team NGRC-CIBA at west coast on pearlspot aquaculture were presented by, Shri.Dani Thomas, Dr Jose Antony and Shri.Pankaj Patil. While Dr Raymond J Angel presented the concept on the pearlspot selective breeding for faster growth.

Representatives from the pearlspot farming sector, Shri Keertiram, from Alappuzha and Shri Vergheese Shiju, Ernakulam district of Kerala presented their perspective and experiences on pearlspot farming. The queries raised by farmers were discussed and answered to at the end of the session. The meeting was attended by 80 participants and viewed by 1050 people.

The meeting concluded by the release of a short video on “Pearlspot seed production and aquaculture” by CIBA.