ICAR-CIBA entered into a strategic alliance with Aditi Enterprise, Porbandar, Gujarat by transferring Shrimp and Seabass Feed Processing Technologies to spread its feed biotechnology footprints in the West coast of the country. CIBA has developed cost effective and quality feed using indigenous feed ingredients for shrimp and seabass farming, and these technologies are being transferred to series of private entrepreneurs for up scaling and commercial production, on a non-exclusive basis. Adding to the list, Aditi Enterprise, Porbandar, Gujarat signed MoU with ICAR-CIBA for shrimp and seabass feed processing technology. ‘Aditi enterprise’, having its presence in the field of aquaculture and fisheries for the last one decade with hatchery, processing unit and an integrated feed mill envisaged to produce ‘Vanami Plus’ and ‘Seebass Plus’ feed with the technical collaboration of CIBA. The feed will cater to the need of aquaculture farmers of West coast of the country, particularly the small and marginal farmers, who cannot afford the high cost feed. The proposed concept of ‘factory to farm’ promoted by CIBA would help the farmer to source the feed directly from the feed mill, enabling the farmers to save the usual marketing cost also. During the signing of the MOU, Dr. K.K. Vijayan, Director, ICAR-CIBA, impressed upon the quality of feed vis-a-vis cost of production. Further he emphasized that this integrated feed mill initiative being the first in the West coast region, would be a boon for the aqua farmers in increasing their profitability and falls under the Prime Minister’s initiative of doubling of farmers income. Dr. K. Ambasankar Principal Scientist and team leader for the Nutrition and Feed biotechnology programs of CIBA briefed about the significance of this MoU and highlighted the genesis of this initiative and opined that the success of this ‘desi feeds’ would create a win-win situation for the feed makers and the farmers. Earlier Dr. T. Ravishankar, Principal Scientist and PI, Institute Technology Management Unit (ITMU)-ABI Unit welcomed the clients and introduced them to the audience, All the HODs, Scientists from Nutrition group attended the function, which concluded by vote of thanks by Dr De, Principal scientist, fish nutrition unit.
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