ICAR-CIBA established a new state of the art ‘Aquafeed Analytical and Quality Assurance Laboratory’ for testing and ensuring the quality of feed and feed ingredients and is accredited with National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL), Quality Council of India, Government of India as per ISO/IEC 17025:2017. This strengthens ICAR-CIBA’s position as a leader in the area of aquaculture feed development and quality assurance.
ICAR-CIBA has experimental commercial scale feed mills and formulations are the basis for VanamiPlus, LarviPlus, ChengudiPlus series feeds for shrimp and seabassPlus for finfish like Seabass. The feeds are produced commercially by the partner industry. As the current scenario, there is emphasis on diversification and quality concerns for feed ingredients. This laboratory aims to serve as a National Referral Centre for feeds and feed ingredients testing for the aquaculture and this will ensure best practices and processes in the feed manufacturing.