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Under the collaborative initiatives between Mangrove cell of Maharashtra Government and ICAR-CIBA, Shri. N. Vasudevan, Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Mangrove Cell, Mumbai has delivered an invited talk on “Mangrove ecosystems and its relevance to coastal development and blue economy” organized by the Society of Aquaculture and Fisheries (SCAFi), CIBA-Chennai on 16th June. In his talk, he briefed the ecological role of mangroves and their role in the livelihood of the poorest of the poor who depend on these unique natural resources. He stressed the need for conservation of mangroves and options for a sustainable livelihood from mangrove ecosystems, such as eco-friendly brackishwater aquafarming, eco-tourism, etc. Indicating the CIBA’s strengths in brackishwater farming, he stressed the opportunities of working together of Mangrove Foundation of Maharashtra Government and ICAR-CIBA, Chennai in areas such crab farming, IMTA, GIS mapping etc. Dr. K. K. Vijayan, Director, ICAR-CIBA & President, SCAFi suggested the technologies developed by CIBA for brackishwater aquaculture can be suitably adapted for the conservation of mangroves, by providing livelihood opportunities for the rural poor living around mangrove ecosystem, ultimately benefiting poorest of the poor. Dr. K.P. Kumaraguru vasagam, Senior Scientist introduced the speaker to the gathering and Dr. K. Ambasankar, Principal Scientist, CIBA and the Secretary of SCAFi proposed the vote of thanks.