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With the special request from the Commissioner of Fisheries, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh, a training programme was organised at ICAR-Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture, Chennai during 30th November – 5th December 2015. Ten participants from the state fisheries departments at Srikakulam, Vijayanagaram, East and West Godhavari, Krishna, Guntur and Prakasham coastal districts participated in this six days long programme and acquired hands-on experience for disease diagnosis of aquatic animals in brackishwater ecosystem.
The training programme was designed with the intention of improving the capacity building and as a part of human resource development for the state of Andhra Pradesh. The entire programme was efficiently designed and divided into three parts covering hands on training on regular shrimp diagnostic protocols such as molecular diagnostics, histopathological techniques and bacteriological methods as part of regular disease investigation and carried out in Aquatic Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory of CIBA. The six days programme was adequately divided into theory and practical classes for easy understanding of the participants. The training programme also provided an updated knowledge on an overview of Brackishwater Aquaculture and the role of fisheries development officers in shrimp disease management.

The programme was inaugurated on 30th November 2015. The importance of this training programme was highlighted by Dr. S.V. Alavandi, HOD, AAHED through his welcome address. Dr. K.K. Vijayan, Director, CIBA mentioned the role of shrimp farming sector in contributing to the national foreign exchequer and providing employment opportunities. The chief guest Mr. S. Santhana Krishnan, CEO, Maritech and former President of Society of Aquaculture Professionals, Chennai appreciated the role and contributions of the scientific community of CIBA in the development of brackishwater aquaculture in India. He wished this tailor-made capacity building programme to benefit the trainees and suit their needs.

The 6-day training programme was successfully concluded on 5th Dec 2015, with a valedictory function, wherein Dr. K. Vijayakumaran, Principal Scientist from CMFRI, Chennai centre was the chief guest, who has suggested the participants to enrich their knowledge by further imparting training to their fellow colleagues and farmers in the state. While delivering the presidential address, Dr KK Vijayan, Director, CIBA emphasized the need for a holistic approach of researchers, private entrepreneurs and state government officials for the development of sustainable shrimp farming and need to play a key role to plan strategies to overcome disease problems encountered in the farming sector. In the end, certificates were distributed to all the participants of the training programme.

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