ICAR-CIBA, Chennai celebrated World Women’s Day at Keezar Kollai in Koovathur village of Kancheepuram district in Tamil Nadu on 8th March 2018, where CIBA is already engaged in creating alternate livelihood initiatives using CIBA-technologies, under the Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav vision. The theme of the programme was “Empowering farm women through brackishwater aquaculture” in consonance with the global theme of “Transformation of Women through empowerment.” About 80 farm women and 11 women staff from CIBA Chennai participated in the awareness programme and celebrations.
CIBA scientists showcased successful Pearl Spot seed rearing and ‘Brackishwater Ornamental Aquariculture’ technologies. Smt Pushpa, a tribal woman from Thiruvidanthai village in Kancheepuram district, who has already taken up ornamental rearing, shared her experiences and presented economic benefits to the womenfolk. Her Self Help Group has made a profit of Rs.25300 from the ornamental fish culture with the technical support ICAR-CIBA, in a period of six months.
Dr.G Gopikrishna, Head of Genetics and Biotechnology Division of CIBA in his address stated that women play a multi-faceted role and could be engaged in homestead enterprises such as ornamental rearing, for additional income generation. He further stated that even the children could also play a supporting role, which would also serve the purpose of learning by doing at home.
Dr.Ijeoma F. Vincent-Akpu, Senior Lecturer, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria, an Overseas Visiting Researcher, working at CIBA, in her address stated that the challenges faced by the women are common throughout the world and the primary solution to overcome the same is farm women need to acquire skills and economic empowerment.
Shri Murugesan, progressive fish farmer and a beneficiary of Asian Seabass nursery rearing technology of CIBA, from the same village in his brief remark, assured all support to farm women in Koovathur village. Woman scientists and staff from CIBA viz.Dr.Sherly Tomy, Dr P.Mahalaksmi, Dr Bhuvaneswari, Dr.Krishna Sukumaran, Dr R.Geetha, Mrs.Nalini, Mrs Vetri Selvi, Mrs Subhashini, Mrs Mathuramuthu Bala and Scientist-in-Charge, Social Science Division, Dr C V Sairam, participated in the programme and conducted the interactive session with rural women. Dr.R.Saraswathi, PS, AAHED, CIBA welcomed the gathering and Dr.D.Deboral Vimala, PS, SSD proposed the vote of thanks.