Under the CSR initiatives, Karam Chand Thapar (KCT) group inaugurated its state-of-the-art aquaculture service laboratory at Nellore on 21st May 2018, as a part of its Community Development Centre. The KCT group had earlier signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with ICAR- CIBA at Thapar House in Delhi as a knowledge partner. This collaborative effort is targeted to benefit aqua farmers in Nellore region for their needs with regard to testing and diagnostic services related to soil & water quality of aquaculture ponds, seed quality, DNA-based screening of disease-causing microbial pathogens and feed quality. Addressing the media after inauguration of the facility, Dr K. K. Vijayan, Director, CIBA expressed that the collaborative effort of CIBA and KCT would provide an enabling situation for the shrimp farmers in Nellore region, through quality and cost-effective laboratory services. Testing for major shrimp diseases in the region such as WSV and EHP at affordable cost would help the farmers in controlling diseases and related crop loses. He further mentioned that ICAR-CIBA would extend timely technology support on all the latest diagnostics as per the international disease commission (OIE) guidelines. Mr Ramakanth V. AkuLa CEO, Waterbase Limited said that these services are offered as part of Corporate Social Responsibility on subsidized rates and appealed to the farmers to utilise the services of the state-of-the-art laboratory for their needs. Ms Shomasree Dey, Head, CSR-KCT, briefed about the activities of the new laboratory and Dr SV Alavandi, ICAR-CIBA thanked KCT for coming forward to collaborate with CIBA and highlighted on the new opportunities in reaching out to more farmers through awareness programmes.