ICAR-CIBA joined hands with the team of Nutricape Private Limited, a dynamic startup dedicated to providing size-optimized bio-encapsulation services tailored specifically for aqua feed manufacturers on 28th February 2025. The present MoU is for evaluating the utility of phytase for improved growth and health of the shrimp using this novel; form of phytase. This MoU was signed in the presence of Dr. Kuldeep Kumar Lal, Director ICAR-CIBA who highlighted the importance of phytase and its role in aquaculture of shrimp and fish. He also explained the significance of targeted delivery. Dr K. Ambasankar, Principal Scientist and team leader for this work program, briefed about the genesis and significance of this MoU and outlined scope of its use in aqua feed production. This effort will undoubtedly improve the environmental foot print, economic benefits, contribute to innovation and growth, and encourage sustainability and competitiveness in the aqua feed sector in the longer run. Ms. D. Rishika, CEO of Nutricape Pvt Ltd., explained about their company’s initiatives in providing research solutions based on nano encapsulation and targeted delivery. She also expressed about the potential of this newer technology and its significance in aquaculture. The event was organized by the Institute Technology Management Unit (ITMU) CIBA, and SIC, ITMU, Dr. P.K. Patil expressed the vote of thanks.
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