ICAR-Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture, Chennai celebrated the 76th Republic Day of our Nation on 26th January, 2025 with happiness and taking pledge to fulfill the goals of inclusion of more shell and finfish species, technology, diagnostics, products and services to the brackishwater aquaculture sector with strong team work, commitment and diligence. Dr.Kuldeep Kumar Lal, the Director unfurled the tricolour national flag at the ICAR-CIBA headquarters, Chennai and the respective officers-in-charge have hoisted the national flag in the regional centres at Kakdwip, West Bengal, Navsari, Gujarat and Muttukadu in Chennai. The Director in his Republic Day address to the scientists spoke on the achievements of the institute in the last one year and emphasized on re-calibrating our methodologies to address the gaps identified in our technologies and products at the field level. He highlighted the progress made in the national priority projects viz. Genetic improvement (GIPPI & CRISPR), Climate change (NICRA & ACASA), Super-intensive precision shrimp farming, mudcrab seed production especially on the better survival, mud farming, Asian Seabass and Pearlspot farming, functional and specialty feeds, diagnostics, insurance products and conducting farmers conclave as a platform to linkage with farmers and other stakeholders.
The director underlined the need for intra and inter-project coordination to achieve the targeted outputs. He urged scientists to give needed attention on the upcoming events: the fourth edition of shrimp farmers’ conclave at Balasore, Odisha (31st January, 2025), Research Advisory Committee meeting (6-7 February, 2025), Asian Fisheries Forum at New Delhi (12-15th February, 2025) and international symposium on the Diseases in Asian Aquaculture, at Chennai during September, 2025 and contribute for their successful conduction. He conveyed his best Republic Day wishes to all the scientists, officers, staff and research scholars.
Dr.S.Kannappan, Officer-in-Charge, Muttukadu and Kovalam Experimental Station in Chennai, Dr.Debasis De, Head of Centre, Kakdwip Research Centre of CIBA, Kakdwip, West Bengal and Dr.Ritesh Tandel, Scientist-in-Charge, Research Centre of CIBA, Navsari, Gujarat hoisted the National Flag at their respective placed and celebrated the Republic Day with the staff and their families. Sports and games were organized for the staff and their family members and the winners were given prizes and certificates.
Republic Day celebrations at Headquarters, Chennai
Republic Day celebrations at KRC, Kakdwip
Republic Day celebrations at MES, Chennai