Women contribute immensely in the farming sector but their contribution is rather invisible and explicitly under-recognized. In order to appreciate their seminal role in farming ICAR-CIBA celebrated Mahila Kisan Divas on 15th October, 2018 at Karathittu village, Vayalur Panchayat of Kancheepuram district of Tamil Nadu to recognize the contribution of women in fisheries and aquaculture. About 60 tribal women from the village participated in the programme. Two successful women farmers from Thirividanthai village who have successfully adopted CIBA’s Pearlspot fish larval rearing technology shared their experiences the way the technology provided them a viable livelihood option. Mrs.Selvi, Director-in-charge, Irula Tribal Women Welfare Society, Chengelpet, Tamil Nadu highlighted the significance of non-farm activities undertaken by them for doubling the family income tribal families. Dr. D.Deboral Vimala, Principal Scientist, CIBA welcomed the gathering and explained the initiatives taken by ICAR-CIBA for women folk in MGMG villages adopted by CIBA. Dr P. Mahalakshmi, Principal Scientist, CIBA sensitized that women are the integral part of the mainstream of farm productivity and production as well as in doubling the income of their families.
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