Dr. J.K. Jena, Deputy Director General (Fisheries) ICAR, presided over the signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) by ICAR-CIBA with M/s Halten Aqua Consultancy, Ernakulam, Kerala on 6th May 2022 for an eco-friendly biofloc based shrimp nursery cum grow-out farming technology on consultancy basis.
DDG Fisheries congratulated Mr. Sarath Sasi, CEO of M/s Halten Aqua Consultancy, Ernakulam, Kerala on his interest towards biofloc based nursery cum grow-out shrimp farming technology. He narrated that it is eco-friendly, reduces production cost and increases crop yield.
Dr. K.P. Jithendran, Director, ICAR-CIBA highlighted the importance of eco-friendly and sustainable farming practices and CIBA has proven technology for biofloc based shrimp farming. Mr. Sarath Sasi, expressed his satisfaction with respect to the use of CIBAFLOC consortium for biofloc generation and is keen to implement CIBA’s technology.
Dr. A. Panigrahi, Principal Scientist and Team Leader briefly explained about the importance of this MoU and highlighted the novelty of the technology for sustainable aquaculture since nutrients are recycled and reused without any environmental degradation. The most beneficial features includes reduced feed and water intake, less risk of pathogen introduction and diseases, more biosecurity, increased growth and survival, and thus increased crop yield. Dr. P. K. Patil, Principal Scientist, Officer-in-Charge of ITMU and team members of ITMU of CIBA coordinated the programme and proposed the vote of thanks.