The third international day of Yoga was celebrated on 21st June 2017 at the Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture Chennai. On commemorating the celebration of the third international yoga day, a week long training program was organized from 15th June to 21st June, from 5.00PM to 6.00PM under the guidance of Yoga guru, Mr. K. Nanjapathi. Each day the training session consists of theory and practical comprising different components of yoga and simplified exercises. On the concluding day on 21st June 2017 a special program was organised, with an invited talk followed by a special shortened session of ‘Yoga for All’. Dr. K. Ambasankar, Principal Scientist and Nodal officer for yoga day welcomed the gathering and gave a brief about the significance of the program. Dr. K.K. Vijayan, Director, CIBA highlighted the significance of this yoga and emphasized its relevance in today’s lifestyle, stressing the need of healthy body for a healthy mind. He further stressed that the theme of international day of yoga is to be remembered not just as celebration only, but as an everyday basis and the staffs should make it as a habit to the fitness which in turn would pave the way for increased work efficiency in their careers. Two guest speakers of eminence have been invited for the program at the institute. Dr. Raji Velmurugan, Lifestyle expert from MIOT Hospital, Chennai with an extensive postgraduate medical experience gave a lecture on “Lifestyle modifications for lifelong good health”. She highlighted the necessity of better dietary habits and physical exercise. This lecture was followed by interaction session, wherein the participants clarified their doubt about life style diseases such as diabetes, obesity, stroke and heart attack. Subsequently, in the special concluding session Yoga Guru Mr. K. Nanjapathi detailed about the beneficial effects of yoga and demonstrated the various yogasanas and trained the participants with the important steps in yoga. More than 100 participants from the institute participated in the program. All the participants felt the significance of this program and evinced keen interest to do yoga regularly. The program ended with vote of thanks by Dr. M. Makesh, Principal Scientist CIBA, Chennai.