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Under the Scheduled Caste Sub Plan (SCSP) of the institute, Kakdwip Research Centre (KRC) of ICAR-Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture (ICAR-CIBA) conducted a hands-on training programme on “Seed production of Nona Tengra, Mystus gulio” for the beneficiaries from vill. Buddhapur, Dist. South-24-Parganas, West Bengal from 6th to 8th July, 2022. The training programme was inaugurated by Dr. Debasis De, Officer in-Charge, KRC. Twelve beneficiaries were participated in the training programme and learnt the seed production technology of M. gulio. The training programme widely covered the topics of fish sex identification, maturity assessment, hormone dose preparation, hormone injection, egg incubation, and larval rearing of M. gulio. Dr. Prem Kumar, Senior Scientist, Fish Culture Division, discussed the broodstock development and induced breeding techniques of M. gulio. The larval rearing techniques and methodologies were explained by Ms. Babita Mandal, Scientist, Fish Culture Division. The programme was coordinated by Dr. Prem Kumar under the guidance of Dr. T. Bhuvaneswari, Scientist and Nodal Officer, SCSP, ICAR-CIBA.