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ICAR-Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture, Chennai officially inaugurated three additional infrastructure viz., ICAR-CIBA’s Kovalam Experimental Station, Farmer Facilitation Centre and Brackishwater Ornamental Fish Hatchery and Finfish Seed Rearing Unit on 22.05.2021. Dr.J.K.Jena, Deputy Director General (Fisheries), ICAR, New Delhi,  inaugurated the new Kovalam Experimental Station (KES), by on-line mode, in the presence Chief Guest Shri. J. Jayakanthan, IAS, Commissioner of Fisheries, while Dr. K.K.Vijayan, Director, CIBA, presided over the function. Addressing the Scientists, officials and field staff of CIBA, DDG, Fisheries articulated the impressive work done by CIBA in the technology back-stopping front, and expressed his confidence that, CIBA would be able to continue the work, in partnering with the state govt, and stake holders. In the felicitation address, the fisheries commissioner, Tamil Nadu, Mr. Jayakanthan lauded the technological contributions of CIBA and its support for the aquaculture development of the Tamil Nadu state. By inaugurating the farmer’s facilitation centre, he further highlighted the work done by CIBA for the societal empowerment and economic development of fish farmers. He underscored that the Department of fisheries, Govt. of Tamil Nadu would utilize the services of CIBA for the development of brackishwater aquaculture sector in the state of Tamil Nadu. He further added that brackishwater sector which synonymous with shrimp farming, however, CIBA has developed technologies for breeding and farming of finfishes like Seabass, Milkfish, Mullets etc. for the diversification of the sector. He urged that development departments of the state govt. and research institutes need to work on convergence mode to accomplish the expectations of the Government and the stakeholders.

Dr.K.K.Vijayan, Director, highlighted the possibilities of the Kovalam experimental station having 65 acres of land including potential brackishwater areas, for the expansion of R&D, harmonizing with the Muttukkadu experimental station. This land has the access to estuarine/coastal/oceanic waters which is ideally suitable for the development of diversified farming systems, brood & nursery banks and fisheries based livelihood systems he asserted. The Farmer Facilitation Centre is established at the Muttukadu Experimental Station of CIBA wherein any stakeholder who wishes to visit CIBA hatcheries, farms, feed mill and other laboratories can stay, and do have hands-on experience. Dr. Vijayan, further emphasized the utility of newly opened ornamental hatchery and finfish seed rearing centre, in the promotion of brackishwater ornamental fishes, with hatchery technology for 5 species of fishes including silver moony (angel fish), spotted scat, silver fish (milkfish), and Etroplus spp finfish hatchery complex. Dr.S.Kannappan, Principal Scientist & Scientist-in-Charge, KES of CIBA, Dr.M.Kailasam, Principal Scientist & Head-in-Charge, Finfish Culture Division, K.Ambasankar, Principal Scientist &, Scientist-in-Charge, Nutrition Section, CIBA and Shri. K.P.Sandeep, Officer -in-Charge, MES of CIBA, facilitated the inaugural programme.