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ICAR-CIBA celebrated its annual day and family get-together on a Saturday evening, 13th February 2016, at Muttukadu experimental Station. The event was organized by the recreational club of the Institute, a part of the Society of Aquaculture and Fisheries (SCAFI), CIBA-Chennai. The gathering was a mixture of current and retired employees of CIBA along with their family members. The current research students of the Institute also actively participated in the event. The venue was right on the Muttukadu beach just in front of the research hatcheries at the seafront. The location offered a beautiful view of the Institute’s experimental facility, backwaters and sandy beachfront. After a short tour of the experimental facilities and feel of Muttukadu beach, everybody gathered for the meeting, and it was started with the invocation. Dr K Ambassankar Secretary of the recreation club provided the genesis and overview of the program. This gets together was the first informal gathering of present and retired employees along with their families including current research students of the Institute. Dr K. K. Vijayan, Director of the Institute and President of the recreation club provided an informal address to the gathering. He emphasized the importance of the informal meeting of the CIBA fraternity as an opportunity for interaction, feeling of belonging and ownership for the Institute. All the members, current and retired had the opportunity to introduce their family members at the podium. As a token of remembrance, a gift hamper was given to all the members. A cultural program by a ‘ Sruthilaya’ music troop was also organized, and it was a blend of classical and soft melodies, followed by dinner. All the members, pleased and happy with the event and expressed their appreciation to organizers and Director of the CIBA. The event went on until late evening, and it is hoped that this get-together will be a new beginning.