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The application of Next Generation Sequencing tool for discovery of functional information on candidate fish species is becoming more popular. Alongside, the expertise in bioinformatics tools to handle high-throughput sequence datasets is becoming mandatory. In this context, ICAR-CIBA has conducted a ‘Hands-on training program on Bioinformatics Tools and Techniques’ during 2-7, September, 2024. Twenty two participants (research scholars/scientists/assistant professor) from various institutes/universities/colleges participated in the training.


During the training, the trainees were given access to a Linux server where they did hands-on learning by performing the analyses on their own. The topics covered during the training were, introduction to Linux environment, R-stats and Python programming, downloading datasets from GenBank, quality trimming of datasets, generation of denovo assembly of transcriptome and discovery of unigenes, genome-guided analyses with RNAseq data to establish differentially expressed transcripts and annotation of genes, prokaryote genome assembly and annotation, eukaryote genome assembly, 16s rRNA amplicon data analysis. A training manual covering all the above aspects was prepared and distributed to participants.


During the valediction, the participants expressed their complete satisfaction as every session of the program is made hands-on. Dr. I. Karunasagar, Chairman, Research Advisory Committee of CIBA who was the Chief Guest emphasized the importance of bioinformatics in the present era and advised trainees to build upon the training. Dr. M. Kailasam, Director –in-Charge highlighted the importance of applying high-end technologies towards solving biological problems. Dr. K. Ambasankar, Principal Scientist and Head, Nutrition Genetics and Biotechnology Division (NGBD) advised the trainees to apply the learned knowledge in their own studies. The scientists of NGBD division, J. Ashok Kumar and K. Vinaya Kumar conducted this hands-on training.