As a part of their academic curriculum, 55 students of under graduate and post-graduate studies from the Department of Biotechnology, accompanied by two lecturers from Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College, Chennai visited the Muttukadu Experimental Station (MES) of ICAR-CIBA on August 22, 2022. The objective of the visit was to gain knowledge and practical exposure in brackishwater aquaculture technologies. As part of their visit the students planted tree saplings in the campus to instils the concept of a green environment. Dr. D. Deboral Vimala, Principal Scientist, Social Science Division who coordinated the visit illuminated the importance of the aquaculture sector in food production and career opportunities in the brackishwater aquaculture sector. Dr. T. Senthil Murugan, Principal Scientist, Finfish Culture Division explained the hatchery activities. Shri. T. Sivaramakrishnan, Scientist, Nutrition, Biotechnology and Genetics Division elucidated the feed mill activities. The visiting students were also explained about the crab broodstock and live feed culture.
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