On 28th June 2022, 15 first year post graduate students from Department of Zoology, Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore visited Muttukadu Experimental Station (MES) of ICAR-CIBA. The objective of their visit was to enhance their knowledge and understanding on brackishwater aquaculture developments. Dr. D. Deboral Vimala, Principal Scientist, Social Sciences Division, coordinated the students visit and explained the frontline demonstrations and various extension activities conducted by ICAR-CIBA for augmenting the livelihood prominence of the coastal communities. As a part of their visit the students planted tree saplings at Muttukadu Campus. Later on, the students visited the finfish, shrimp and crab hatcheries and the feed mill, where the activities were explained to them in detail by Dr. T. Senthil Murugan, Principal Scientist, Fish Culture Division and Shri. S. Rajamanickam, Senior Technical Officer, Crustacean Culture Division.