A total of 50 Scheduled Tribe fisher folk from Senjiamman Nagar, Pulicat, Tiruvallur district, Tamil Nadu visited Muttukadu Experimental Station (MES) of ICAR-CIBA during 10-12 October 2022 in three batches for exposure visit to understand the brackishwater aquaculture practices. The beneficiaries were explained about fish hatchery activities and maintenance of broodstock fishes such as seabass, milkfish, pearl spot, grey mullet and ornamental fishes. Seed production and nursery rearing techniques of seabass such as hapa installation, seed stocking, feeding, grading and marketing opportunities were explained to them. The team also visited shrimp hatchery, crab hatchery and feed mill at MES. This exposure visit was jointly organized by Madras Research Centre of ICAR-CMFRI and ICAR-CIBA under the TSP programme.
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