ICAR-Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture, Chennai & Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chennai joined hands for undertaking collaborative programmes in research, teaching, and extension in the areas of fisheries and animal sciences by signing an MoU on 13th February 2018 at TANUVAS, Chennai. Dr K K Vijayan, Director, CIBA and Dr T.J.Harikrishnan, Registrar, TANUVAS, Chennai signed the MoU document. The objective of the cooperation is to foster collaboration in research activities, provide an opportunity for experience sharing among scientists and scholars, and to facilitate advancement of knowledge by reciprocity and frequent interactions. Joint efforts of CIBA and TANUVAS will foster technological backstopping leading to faster development of the animal husbandry and fisheries sector in the state. CIBA and TANUVAS have mutually agreed to exchange information on research and related programmes, sharing the laboratory infrastructure, learning materials and other literature relevant to their research programmes, to jointly propose and engage in research programmes, knowledge sharing among postgraduate and doctoral students. Dr P.Kumaravel, Professor, and Dr B.Nishanth, Assistant Professor, Directorate of Research, TANUVAS; Dr.S.V.Alavandi, HOD, AAHED, Dr.K.Ambasankar, In-charge of Nutrition group and Dr.M.Makesh, Team Leader of the ICAR-diagnostic platform programme from CIBA participated in the event. Dr T. Ravisankar, Officer-in-Charge ITMU, and Dr.P.K.Patil, Co-PI, ITMU were also present.